
MTV Steals Laguna's Soul

Seriously, this is a major issue down in Laguna...those SoCalers and their silly little problems. Apparently their is a large faction of Lagunians who--shockingly--don't feel that the show accurately portrays the real OC!

"We are a community that has stood for solid, meaningful principles … art, culture, the environment, quality of life, education," said Ostensen, an environmental consultant. "By contrast, MTV glorifies violence, drug abuse, the objectification of women as sexual objects, alcohol abuse, superficiality and a raft of other negative issues."

Kristin is like: "Whatever! Superficiality is hot." and y'know, for once, I think I may have to agree with the Laguna Bitch. Besides "solid, meaningul principles"? Ew. Boring.

[link to the whole LA Times Article]

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