

Um, apparently my ability to make snappy post titles has been sucked out of my like schools sucks away my happiness: SLUUUUUURP

Innyhoo, according to People

Lindsay Lohan was admitted to a Miami hospital Monday night after suffering a severe asthma attack and is now “resting comfortably,” a source close to the actress tells PEOPLE.

An asthma attack, hm? So I guess "asthma" is the new "exhaustion". And if you ask me, lil' LiMoLo looks like she's been hitting the asthma pretty hard lately, begging the question: will 2006 usher in some more hot rehab action. I mean 2005 was pretty rehab-apaloozaish itself what with (off the top of my head) Kate Moss, Donatella Versace, and Pete Doherty (sorta) all heading to Arizona. Still, I think we can expect even bigger things from 2006!

Junk Attack, Mothafuckas!

Yea! Just returned from loooong vacay involving cranky family, bitchy airport personnel, missed connections, and lost luggage....what's one thing that can make 2006 look better?


Yea! I've missed Junk Feud soooo much and I was worried she wasn't coming back.....although, orange? Is that really better than pink? I think not, but (other than that one little quibble) I have no complaints.

So, um that's all I know about what I missed while I was gone, but really I think that Junk Feud's relaunch is the only important thing that I could have so missed.