Abercrombie&Fitch Statement:
In recognition that these t-shirts might be found to be objectionable to many young women, who are among our best customers...We recognize that the shirts in question, while meant to be humorous, might be troubling to some. [source]
These are some of the other slogans that were pulled--begging the question: who exactly did they think would wear these?
"Who needs brains when you have these?"
"Blondes are adored, brunettes are ignored,"
"I make you look fat."
wow..that's unreal they would sell those being such a mainstream store..
plus how could anyone wear these without looking either incredibly slutty or bitchy
wow...those shirts are terrible. i cant imagine anyone wearing them. and, just wondering, what were the gossip themed t-shirts? i seemed to have missed those.
I linked to some pictures of the other shirts (I was just too lazy to look for pictures before...)
They've done FAR worse. They used to have T-shirts mocking Asians and other ethnicities.
Those T-shirts are pretty tame in comparison. They're kinda funny.
true. and they got those catalogues they used to have pretty much banned as well...although I don't really object to those as much because I don't really care whether they use sex to sell their clothes or not (and they totally still do, the last time I was in their dressing rooms there were these pictures on the wall of his&hers (jean-clad) crotches..I don't really remember what the point was...)
um, the shirts are kind of funny to look at, but the idea that they think girls would actually want to wear them is pretty offensive, especially since by selling them they would convince a lot of (dumb) people to wear them
They're nothing really compared to the stuff sold on T-Shirt Hell or CafePress.
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