Hm, I kind of vaguely remember a time when Ben Affleck was kind of sort of okay looking (back in the
Good Will Hunting day) but it's been just one long downhill road from there. Let's recap: first there was the whole "Bennifer" juggernaut, which is to blame for all celebrity hybrid nicknames (from Brangelina to Vaughniston) as well some big missteps for Baffleck (
Jersey Girl, did anyone even see
Jersey Girl?) Still,I honestly believed he could make a comeback as the boring but cute leading man once he dumped the butt....but, no.
He then preceded to launch Bennifer 2.0 and ruin the perfection that was Sydney Bristow by getting her (Jennifer Garner alter-ego) pregnant, ruining the Varner dynamic on
Alias, and displaying a complete lack of decency by smoking thousands of cigarettes around his pregnant wife.
And now look what he's done. Yes, that
is a handlebar moustache...begging the question, is Ben leaving the drowning ship that is his career to become
a porn star?