White Out
...Not that I'm over black nail polish (or Lindsay Lohan) but I definitely see white nail polish (and Chanel) in my near future.
...after all I guess if Karl Lagerfeld doesn't mind the yellow teeth effect, who am I to mind it? Although I kind of want one of those little brite smile pen things they were shamelessly whoring out on top model (Tyra and all the ANTMs are such product placement whores)
the TomKitten
Is really ugly. For this image (from Conan, creator of the best ugly celebrity baby pictures around) and everything else TomKitten related cityrag is the best place to go.
I didn't steal your boyfriend.
Okay, personally I don't think MKAO's boyfriends are very attractive (although--like Paris Hilton--I would date Stavros Niarchos because he is really really rich) but I totally want their clothes. I have no idea when this picture is from but Mary-Kate's dress is gorgeous.
Quote of the Day
"everybody looks better naked"...says Tom Ford. I think I'd have to disagree with that...unless by "everybody" he means everyone he hangs out with, because perhaps that's true.
Read the Tom Ford article from W and you'll discover that:
Tom likes to get naked.
Tom's pansexual: dolls (left), women, men, etc.
Tom's designing a makeup and fragrance line with estee lauder (bo-ring. go back to clothes.)
Perfect as expected. And I love that Chanel always has one of the longest shows.....how often is it that you get the most quantity of the best quality? (not often.)
Just a couple extra special bits:
Loved the slouchy boots with ribbons tied around them
Loved the LBDs
Loved Gemma's BPD (Big Pink Dress)
Loved the denims
Loved the cardigans
Loved this look.
Laguna Beach Spawns a Spinoff
Important Note before we go any further: I <3 Jessica and I hate Kristin (the backstabbing bitch)
The continuing adventures of LC, Stephen, Kristin and the rest of the telegenic kids from the wealthy Orange County enclave will be chronicled in a new season debuting sometime next year (the current season of “Laguna Beach” runs through mid-November). The show has become something of a phenomenon this year, grabbing about 3 million viewers per week and generating a wave of press coverage.
The show’s creative team will try to duplicate that success with a new show called “8th & Ocean,” set to premiere in early 2006. Using the “Laguna Beach” style of unintrusive camera work and structured-but-not-scripted plot arcs, “8th & Ocean” will follow the lives of 10 aspiring models (male and female) who live in a South Beach apartment complex.
(zap2it via popsugar)
Doesn't the spinoff show sound cool? Except why don't they ever make shows about (at least semi-) successful models....because the "aspiring models" on tv never seem to make it. (case in point: ANTM grads like Adrienne & Naima) On the other hand, Laguna Beach's deliciously catty superficiality plus even more attractive characters sounds like a recipe for success.
Birds of a Feather
....look how pretty.
These are like the epitome of flat boots to me: better than Dior, Jimmy Choo, etc. They are just shaped so perfectly, in the perfect skin, with the perfect pattern to add that little extra touch of flair.
And since there is as much chance of me getting my hands on them as on--I dunno? a nuclear bomb?--I wish some (me-approved) celeb would wear them in a picture. Lindsay? MK? Ash? Maybe Misha Barton will wear 'em they seem like her type of thing.
...hey they're actually only $1,990 that's not too bad really...
Okay, so style.com says bird-themed looks are "all the rage" right now. Yea. kudos to me on buying a bird necklace a couple weeks ago and a "bird themed" shirt yesterday. Me and Candy Pratts Price are like totally like on the same wavelength or something...hey, that's what I want to be when I grow up! Whoa--CPP, LCP--it must be fate. (Sigh, watch me grow up and be a middle school english teacher or something, how much would that suck.)
(pic and CPP's job from style.com)
Oh, one last thing. I want that too.
Girl vs. Goth
(Click on the images to see Lindsay's black polish in all its glory)
C'mon guys, surely you wouldn't accuse Lindsay of being goth, and she is totally obsessed with the black nail polish, therefore black polish is now officially as girly as chanel dresses and marilyn monroe.
also notice how it totally goes with every kind of look....dark strapless, white flowy, bright floral, cutoffs, jeans, it all works. I kind of think black is the new pink (or whatever color it is people think girls are supposed to be wearing on their nails).
Kate gets Taken Off
Look at the mean people taking down Kate's picture just because she hangs out with mean people who sell her out to the tabloids (apparently all celebrities are really bad at determining who are their friends and who are the leeches...poor kate/lindsay/mkao) Just in case you're not 100% up to date on the vicissitudes of the "Cocaine Kate" aftermath, I'll catch you up a bit:
The Good:
Jefferson Hack stands by his woman (the Corsair)
Sharon Stone shows her support (Reuters )
Naomi Campbell shows her support....um, how is it fair that Naomi is the one not in rehab? please, she must do sooooo much more drugs than little katie, seriously. (Scoop)
The Bad:
Burberry drops her (popsugar)
H&M drops her (popsugar)
Rimmel says they'll keep her....then gets pressured into probably dropping her too. (so sad for them too because Kate was really the perfect spokesperson for their aptly named "recovery" line....hmmmm, maybe this was all a silly ol' marketing stunt.) (Page Six)
The Ugly:
nope, even on drugs there's nothing ugly about Kate.
Yup, just because Katie's in Arizona doesn't mean she can't be the most interesting gossip going on. Yes, more interesting than disturbing pregnancies and on/off/on-again marriages (suck my blog)
Sienna Takes it Off
Actually, this is quite an improvement from her everyday static-y bedhead look, and it's miles away from her frumpy curly brown look in Casanova. I snickered when I saw that in the preview. At first, I seriously didn't recognize her...and then I did and I was very amused.
TomKat is Expecting
Oh yeah, so anyway the future Kate Cruise is expecting Tom's scientologist spawn. (People via popsugar)
whatever, gross.
Coco Mademoiselle
Related Note: I was tres annoyed at Marissa last week on the O.C. in all her smug chanel-ness and the security of knowing that even when her own family goes (relatively) broke she can just pack up her louis vuitton (to quote mariah carey) and mooch off summer with her gorgeous mansion.
Oh yeah, and just because google and marissa cooper were already makin me feel bad about my chanellessness, Nylon decided to use a "paris issue" as an excuse to put that ubiquitous chanel dress that I love on the cover. (Okay...I admit now I'm kind of just complaining, because even if I had the money I can't really picture myself buying that dress...it's too old or I'm too short or something. But I think I'd buy it anyway just so I could look through magazines in peace without coming across its picture in magazines and suddenly feeling small and unfulfilled.)
Teens on Drugs
Doing drugs: Is that model behavior?
Not that teenvogue.com is a place that's otherwise completely full of honesty...check out this crap
What a lame, poser ho. Yuck, obviously "ciaobella" pays attention to stuff like teen vogue for style...and wtf do you dress like a coldplay song? I hate people who say stuff like that....I guess that means I wouldn't really fit in on the teen vogue forums. how sad.
I'm not Ashamed to Say It..
Oh fine, it was anticlimactic, after all everybody loves Kelly Clarkson (whether they will admit it or not.) Highlight of my Kelly Clarkson love: when the Laguna Beach girls were all (by all I mean one of the cliques, obviously, they're not like, all going to hang out together) in the limo going to prom last season and Since You Been Gone came on and they all start singing along off-key and into it...it was great, it really made Laguna Beach seem human. I mean, seriously, its not like those uber-cool O.C. kids would be caught dead doing a Kelly singalong unless it was like "ironic" or something.
watch her new video here
Sorry Went
1) super "good" show, with good writing, drama, suspense, acting, that type of stuff. i.e. Lost, (old) Alias, Veronica Mars
2) super superficial show, with lots of pretty (or trying really hard to be pretty) people, fluffy premises or "plots" and hilarious stupidity bordering on profound. i.e. America's Next Top Model, Super Sweet Sixteen, Laguna Beach
Anyway, Prison Break, was saddled by a kind of un-believable (not to be confused with "unbelievable") premise and some kind of annoying actors. That said, Wentworth Miller is super, super hot which is really the only reason I had any trouble giving up this show. However, I feel better because he looks way hotter in this picture than he looks in his lame, "magical" tattoo when he's on the show. And that's all I have to say about that. (pic via popsugar)
Dorkus Malorkus
Well, there are some real treasures in here that should be part of everyone's everyday jargon (see "Dorkus Malorkus", my personal favorite) just click "complete post" and you'll be on your way to sounding really smart...or at least really cool or something.
- 1 Achy Breaky Pelvis
- 2 Assalhorizontology
- 3 Avoision
- 4 Bolonium
- 5 B'oh
- 6 BBBQ
- 7 Beginulate
- 8 BiMonSciFiCon
- 9 Bloodening
- 10 Blurst
- 11 Boneis Eruptus
- 12 Boo-urns
- 13 Bort
- 14 BYOBB
- 15 Chester A. Arthritis
- 16 Chocotastic
- 17 CompuGlobalHyperMegaNet
- 18 Craptacular
- 19 Crisitunity
- 20 Cromulent
- 21 Debigulator
- 22 Dickety
- 23 Domer
- 24 Dorkus Malorkus
- 25 Double-Bacon Geniusburger
- 26 Dumbening
- 27 Embiggen
- 28 Flupid Bloroplope
- 29 Flunjers, Capdabblers, Smendlers
- 30 Forfty
- 31 Frinkahedron
- 32 Frogurt
- 33 Fuhrerific
- 34 Gamblor
- 35 Glayvin
- 36 Homersexual
- 37 Hoyvin-Mavin
- 38 I, for one, welcome our new (insert word) overlords
- 39 Interslice
- 40 Jebeditis
- 41 Jebus
- 42 Jerkass
- 43 Jerkface
- 44 Knowitallism
- 45 Kwyjibo
- 46 Lupper
- 47 Meh
- 48 Mmm, (insert word)
- 49 Momato
- 50 Monsterometer
- 51 Nuclear Panerplant
- 52 Nucleon
- 53 Nucular
- 54 Ovulicious
- 55 Panaphonics
- 56 Posturologists
- 57 Pull a Homer
- 58 "Radioactivity"
- 59 Rebigulator
- 60 Redorkulated
- 61 Retirony
- 62 Sacrilicious
- 63 Saxomophone
- 64 Scientician
- 65 Scotchtoberfest
- 66 Screamapillar
- 67 Shirkaday
- 68 Skittlebrau
- 69 Smarch
- 70 Snacktacular
- 71 SNUH
- 72 "Sticktoitiveness"
- 73 Stitchface
- 74 Superliminal
- 75 Thrillho
- 76 Tomacco
- 77 Tramapoline
- 78 Unblowuppable
- 79 Unpossible
- 80 Woozle Wuzzle
- 81 Yoink
- 82 Yvan Eht Nioj
Bono Spreads Peace
Note to Bono: while I'm ever so slightly annoyed that a loser like you would win the peace prize I'm waaaaay more bothered by the loser sunglasses. Really, only Johnny Depp carries off the purple shades like a man. (And same goes for greasy hair Bono...that stuff doesn't make J.D. hot, it's just his innate hotness cannot be suppressed by any fashion faux pas...you on the other hand should probably be a little more careful.)
Quote of the Day
(Gatecrasher via Socialite's Life)
...when they're not laming it up on E's Cattle Drive or dancing with Barbara Bush (the young one...so I mean it could've been worse)
A History of Violence
Note to self: NEVER trust movie reviewers, they have the. worst. taste. ever. (or maybe I do) I'm still upset over how our newspaper gave Dude, Where's My Car ZERO stars, that was lame.
Hi I'm George...
Innyhoo, if you're too lazy to scroll the whole awful truth yourself--it can be hard wading through Ted's rhetoric sometimes--he says that
"Rumors are circulating fast and furious that Laura Bush discovered her hubby boozing it up with a few whiskey shots--and that Dubya has been imbibing again since the devastation from Hurricane Katrina let loose. Wouldn't blame him, that's fer sure. And it would certainly explain his incredibly flip-flopping performance of late. But are the tales of secretive drinking true?"
..hmmm, juicy gossip,I wonder if it's for reals...and whether Bush being conscious even affects what goes on in the government.
Lindsay: Fully Loaded
Plus, she can't do the whole sob story princess di act this time because apparently it was all her fault. Perez quotes a (shady?) source as saying that "Lindsay was driving like a maniac ans he hit a (red) van that was being driven by an employee of the Newsroom Cafe."
...oh Lindsay, Lindsay, Lindsay, what are we going to do with you?
yikes, check out how smashed up the mercedes is this time! plus popsugar says that linds plus 2 other people were taking to the hospital (hohan is apparently okay though, you can breathe easy.)
...okay and maybe paparazzi were involved again after all. Although really, can't she always say she's avoiding the paparazzi because there's always somebody following her around?
Question of the Day
Xtina: When's the last time you saw a couple this trashy/tacky? xtina is a ho...no matter how she wears it.
an official announcement...
Semaine de Mode
Superman Returns
um, Nicolas Cage just had a son and named him Kal-el, yeah, like Superman's birthname....wow, this is a totally new level of weird names.
Personally, I even think this tops Pilot Inspektor (son of Jason Lee), becaue at least that was original. How depressing would it be to go through life with a weird sci-fi name and have all the other celebrity babies make fun of you because you're actually a wimp and you're nothing like Superman. Seriously, celebrity babies must have really hard leaves.
(Although really, when you consider a couple with fashion sense this awful (see handy reference above) it would have been even more surprising if they'd had the good taste to give their poor kid a normal name)
Andy You're a Star
He reveals a peek @ his creative process: "...Why? Why, Andrew Milonakis?' And then I say, 'Stop asking yourself questions and calling yourself Andrew Milonakis!' And I never listen."
Pete does Drugs
Good thing this loser is not married to Kate Moss and she is safely far away from him in rehab.
He's Alive & Cooking...
...this almost kind of makes me want to watch a new show, after all I have a whole month without the O.C. ahead of me :-(