Plus--even if you don't care about the fashion shows--there is plenty of fashion week amusement over at the daily.
Funniest offering: Fashion Week Daily's handy guide with all the important stuff for adjusting to the languages of international fashion weeks. The real meaning of "like shirt & ass" and more after the jump...
September 24—October 2
“Sempre abbronzato, sempre virile!”
Translation: A good tan keeps you virile.
“Senza aria condizionata stai sempre giovane.”
Translation: No air conditioning keeps you young.
“Lo prendo in ogni colore.”
Translation: I’ll take it in every color.
“No per la pasta—dammi la salsa!”
Translation: Hold the pasta—I’ll take the sauce.
“Patrizio, smettila di guardare alle mini gonne!”
Translation: Patrizio, stop looking at the short skirts!
October 2—11
“Vas-y, ma petite, bouffe comme une cochonne, ça passera sur la carte de crédit de la boîte.”
Translation: Girl, go ahead, eat like a pig. It’s the company card.
“Non merci, je préfère les calmants plus légers.”
Translation: No thanks, I’m looking for softer sedatives.
“Vous n’avez pas entendu le mot glaçon? Glaçons, glaçons, eau congelée. Mon dieu!”
Translation: Have you ever heard of ice? Ice, ice, frozen water. My god!
“Roulez la fenêtre entre nous, chauffeur, tout de suite.”
Translation: Close the window between us, driver, now.
Bonus! Fun French-isms!
“S’entendre comme cul et chemise.”
Literal: To get along like shirt and ass.
Meaning: To be very close
Example: Carine Roitfeld et Tom Ford s’entendent comme cul et chemise.
Translation: Carine Roitfeld and Tom Ford get along like a bottom and a shirt.
“C’est la barbe!”
Literal: It is the beard!
Meaning: This is a nuisance.
Example: Le talon de ma chaussure s’est cassé, et c’est la barbe!
Translation: The heel of my shoe broke, and it is a nuisance!
“Ça me rase!”
Literal: This shaves me.
Meaning: This bores me.
Example: Ce défilé me rase.
Translation: This fashion show bores me.
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