By the way--completely aside from gender issues--I hope Coryn doesn't win. I really hate the ones with all the problems (drug addict mom in Coryn's case) because they're always sobbing and hugging Tyra and then she makes these super-annoying, super-fake sympathetic faces and talks about how important it is to be strong and how she understands because she's the fattest victoria's secret model. whatever, tyra, if I wanted that kind of sappiness I could just watch extreme home makeover or something.
what??? something bad (I hope)
you know how its really weird that she wears the lowest pants ever without her underwear ever showing? we were on this subject, and it turns out she DOES wear underwear, but she claims thet it never shows because she has no butt and her bely button comes up unusually high... hmmm interesting by the way i signed off on anonymous
um, right. she definitely does have no butt but what's with the high belly button thing that makes NO sense.
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