
Kirsten: Not only Drunkst but a Whore?

Kirsten Dunst was left speechless after an old man asked her if he could lick whipped cream off her naked body. The actress was reportedly approached by the unknown man, believed to be in his 50s, as she waited for a limousine outside a Los Angeles hotel. According to onlookers, Dunst started to walk away after the man made his illicit request, and he was allegedly overheard saying: "Wait. What's the matter? I come to watch you dance every weekend."

When the 23-year-old star confronted him about what he had said the embarrassed guy apologized, explaining he had mistaken her for a local stripper.

A source is quoted by Britain's Daily Sport newspaper as saying: "Kirsten asked him what he was talking about and he said he'd confused her with a stripper from a nearby club." [Source]

.........major lols, no?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, that IS hilarious. He's lucky he didn't get arrested though.