....this because I'm so ovah all this "blah blah blah she's a bad role model and a cradle robber" shite. Or as (another) London Cokehead would say....
Note to the British Police : Leave Kate the fuck alone , she hasn't done anything wrong apart from snort a few lines " Ooooo is that illegal or something ", do something useful like arrest some crack dealers or street muggers. If I can sit in a cafe on Portobello Rd and watch them operate, surely you can.. Or is that too much like hard work nowadays for you all ??
P.S. I'm kind of totally addicted to this Cokehead guy......he's fucking hilarious.
i like when he says, by day a record producer and by night... all fucked up. some how that really entertained me.
your post reminded me...just the other day, i was reading w. and under their letter to the editor section, they had letters from readers about the issue with kate moss on the front saying how she is a terrible role model and that they were appalled that she was the cover girl. and i definitely thought of you and how you would be upset. haha...just thought i would let you know.
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