Mass Appeal: So you were in Bullet with Tupac, right?
Adrien Brody: Oh, yeah. I went bombing with Tupac. Get the fuck outta here. I went bombing in Brooklyn with Tupac. On the wall, he was writing “Thug Life” before any Thug Life albums were out, and he had it on his chest. I was like, What the fuck is Thug Life? That’s cool. I think some of it might be on the wall in a scene in Bullet. I forget what I wrote.
Mass Appeal: Did you spend a lot of time with ’Pac?
Adrien Brody: Mickey [Rourke] and ’Pac’s boy had this fistfight, so we’re all just chilling, drinking in Mickey’s trailer. ’Pac would come out in a blaze of smoke, and we would all hang out a lot. One night, we shot all night. I finally got one take or two takes, because the sun was coming up. I just came through in the crunch. It was independent guerilla film making, craziness. Afterwards, I was hanging under the Major Deegan [Expressway] in a limo at like four in the morning when I played my ’Pac my beats on cassette! I remember chilling with ’Pac, just cruising on the way home in the back of the car, sun coming up—it was a dream come true. It was just one of those moments." [Mass Appeal Magazine via The Corsair]
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