
The Better Twin

...gets her shot at going solo.

And I think we all know that W is cooler than Harper's Bazaar! Puh-leeze, Ash, don't even try to compete with this.

(Although, MK's lips do look shockingly Ash-like in this photo...I thought the fish pout was all Ashley's and MK ruled the lip purse, I guess she too breaks out the pout when it comes to super important photos)



Anonymous said...

she looks so pretty! yay for MK. i wish i had pretty blue eyes like her. except, i would look a bit strange with colored eyes, too bad. erm we need to find a new magazine place. Borders is slacking off with its lack of supply of nylon.

fluxdemots said...

I know! I'm incredibly angry! Less strange permutations of Cosmo and more Nylon!

P.S. I think we would like faaabulous with blue eyes (okay maybe green for you...and me?) We should get colored contacts (keeding...maybe, how much do they cost?)

Anonymous said...

apparently they're only a little bit more than regular contacts. SO i could totally get them. hahah not

Anonymous said...

oh yeah, so nicole won, and meg died. pretty exciting huh?

fluxdemots said...

what? nicole? wtf? I'm so confused...