First of all, how hilarious is Trent's sum-up of the tangled love lives of Laguna Beachers? (Click it to enlarge) Soooo hilarious. [PinkistheNewBlog link with more hot pink-captioned enthusing]
Okay so 1st stop for Laguna Bitches (ah, if only all tv shows had titles that lent themselves so handily to punning!) is TVgasm for hi-larious recapping (arguably more entertaining than the actual show, especially for boring, "smart" people who need more wit and less fluff) TVgasm must: Listen to annoying/slutty Casey ask her maid for quesadillas in painful Spanglish: Imelda, will you make un quesadilla por favor?
And now for all hardcore L. Bitches: The Laguna Beach Hookup...(see, I told you it was an addiction.) Here, you will find out everything you wanted (or didn't want in some cases) to know about L.B., for example: What are ex-Laguna sluts doing in college? Hey, I warned you you might not want to know.
haha...i think the love chart is hilarious. and the tvgasm things are really funny too...katrina showed the site to me last week. but yes, i'm procrastinating writing my hamlet retro-log right now because i'm in no mood to write. so i thought id leave you a comment.
yea comments! boo hamlet! (although obviously by today we've already written and turned them in...)
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