
Beautiful Lies Colliding

Priceless liner notes from Lindsay Lohan's new album. And I say priceless, because it's obviously going to be a collector's item as proof of the short-lived entity that was Lindsed Loheto

JL - are you a beautiful lie or are you my fatal crime? Am I your beautiful lie or are you my beautiful life? I hope the 2 beautiful worlds or lie's and life's collide. With the good karma on my side. Because I know I'm right. Thanks for being a companion through this record...love you...and thank you for coming into my life. [Pink is the New Blog link]

Um, that's touching. Too bad Jared Leto has already gone out of her life and off to collide with some random blonde. (Yes, JL could possibly be some other beautiful liar in LiMoLo's life, but really what are the odds? Oh wait, both the real and fake Jason Lewis's came into her life this year...hmmm. Drama.)

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